Kris Carr is also an inspiration. Creator of the documentary film Crazy Sexy Cancer, she has also developed a wonderful online cancer community for women who embrace alternatives. They sell a t-shirt that says Make Juice Not War.
I take no pharmaceuticals for cancer treatment. I tell myself, if the myeloma returns I will do the nutrional approach all the way. I know this thinking is stupid....by then it's too late. The idea is prevention. While in the grip of disease and survival was questionable, I would tell myself "If I get better, I'll eat only the best diet." Trouble is once strength and good feeling returned, I wanted the stuff I always liked.
My diet was not especially bad before I got sick. I've never been an extremist, though. Living with a macrombiotic for two years twenty years ago was a challenge. Before I got sick, my sleep cycle was messed up from working too many overnight hours in a hospital...taking in too much of the pain of other people.
Sleep is a huge priority now.
Frequent hot baths are essential.
I do not overwork...keep life simple.
I try to get lots of C and D3.
I need to add into the receipe a bit more creative output, more service, more meditation, more intimacy, more swimming.
More sun would be ideal.
Somebody way back in time (Hippocrates?) said that each of us has our own unique illness that requires our own unique cure.
Finding the right dose of all the important ingredients is my ongoing process... subject to change just like any other medicine.
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